On to Ottawa Peace Caravan: Demilitarize, Decarbonize, Decolonize

Update: From May 25 – 29, several members of Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace joined the “On to Ottawa Peace Caravan 2024.” The Caravan was co-sponsored by Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and national VOW.  The theme was DEMILITARIZE, DECARBONIZE, DECOLONIZE. Before and during our trip, peace activists held daily vigils in Halifax. Supported by our VOW chapter and additional contributions from individual members, as well as co-sponsorship from the Halifax Friends’ Meeting (Quakers), we held peace workshops in Amherst NS, Fredericton NB, and Montreal along the way.

We also stopped to lay a white poppy wreath and speak with local people in Quebec City. We showed the peace art we had created, sang peace songs, and shared information on military spending.

Once in Ottawa, we met with the Caravanners from the West Coast and shared stories and resources. We held a rally on Parliament Hill, posed with several statues in Ottawa, attended Question Period in the House of Commons, and participated in the STOP CANSEC rally at the entrance to the largest international weapons fair in Canada. Heavily attended by both protesters and police, the rally was a passionate statement against war and the profit motive of the suppliers of armaments. There was also a particular focus on the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Five protesters were arrested when they stepped over the line that the police had created.

As part of the Canada Wide Peace Caravan 2024, members of Nova Scotia Voice of Women of Peace and World BEYOND War will present workshops en route to CANSEC, the largest weapons trade show in Canada. We will meet in Ottawa with our sisters in peace activism  from WILPF, who are travelling from Vancouver and with National VOW members. After our launch event at the Halifax Central Library on May 5, we will officially start our trek with  the first stop in Amherst, Nova Scotia. Other planned stops will be in Fredericton, Quebec City and Montreal. We are making white poppy wreaths and will be placing them at Town Halls en route with messages to local politicians that investing in peace and a culture of care is a duty we share. 

Our workshops include several art pieces that connect the disaster of civilian suffering to the profit of an unsustainable weapons industry. The Peace Protector Uniform was included in Nocturne, Halifax 2023 and our ‘Peace Knot Bombs’ sewing project has been displayed at galleries in Nova Scotia. A short film  “No New Fighter Jets” by filmmaker Anne Verrall will also be shown. 

1. Ongoing Halifax vigils in solidarity with “On to Ottawa Peace Caravan 2024”.  All supporters are welcome to come join us at 12noon – 1pm, near the foot of Citadel hill near the big tree at the Cogswell/NorthPark roundabout. Look for the banners. We’ll be there every day until both the East Coast and West Coast Caravans converge in Ottawa on May 28. Some days we may be few and some days many. It’s always good for a chat with Voice of Women for Peace members, friends and passersby. 

For more information about the Vigils, contact Pat Kipping at kipperns@gmail.com or 902-225-7457. About the Caravan, visit nsvow.org/caravan2024

2.  Ceasefire Rally for Gaza, Saturday, May 18, 12 noon, Peace and Friendship Park Halifax (opposite the train station).

3.  A Celebration of Life for Elinor Reynolds, long-time Voice of Women member, will be held at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax, 5500 Inglis Street, Saturday May 25, at 2 pm. A reception will follow the service where we can share remembrances. We will also sing a few Irish tunes including one of Elinor’s favourites “The Banks of My Own Lovely Lee”, aka the ‘Cork anthem.’ All are welcome.  Please arrive early to get a seat.

4.  Caravan Stops – all are welcome please tell your friends and relatives
Saturday, May 25, 10-11am, Amherst, NS, Christ Church Parish Hall, 5 Lawrence Street – Workshop
Saturday, May 25, 7-8pm Fredericton, NB, Conservation Council of NB, 180 John St. – Workshop in partnership with CRED NB (Coalition for Responsible Energy Development)
Sunday, May 26, Quebec City, Croix du Sacrifice, Plaines d’Abraham, Grande Allee E – Laying of a White Poppy Wreath.
Monday, May 27, 11:00-1:00pm, Montreal, Bibliotheque Benny, 6400 Monkland Ave. – Workshop in Partnership with World Beyond War.

Date: May 27th, 2024
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
Benny Library, Atrium 6400 Avenue De Monkland
Montréal, QC H4B 1H3
Free Event
As part of the Canada Wide Peace Caravan 2024, members of Nova Scotia Voice of Women of Peace and World BEYOND War will present workshops en route to CANSEC, the largest weapons trade show in Canada. We will meet in Ottawa with our sisters in peace activism  from WILPF, who are travelling from Vancouver and with National VOW members. After our launch event at the Halifax Central Library on May 5, we will officially start our trek with  the first stop in Amherst, Nova Scotia. Other planned stops will be in Fredericton, Quebec City and Montreal. We are making white poppy wreaths and will be placing them at Town Halls en route with messages to local politicians that investing in peace and a culture of care is a duty we share. Our workshops include several art pieces that connect the disaster of civilian suffering to the profit of an unsustainable weapons industry. The Peace Protector Uniform was included in Nocturne, Halifax 2023 and our ‘Peace Knot Bombs’ sewing project has been displayed at galleries in Nova Scotia. A short film  “No New Fighter Jets” by filmmaker Anne Verrall will also be shown.

Launch and Information Event“On-to-Ottawa Peace Caravan 2024”
Monday, May 6, 6:30-8:30
Halifax Central Library
Floor 2, Lindsay Children’s RoomAdmission is free and all are welcome
Later in May, women from the East and West coasts will embark on a remarkable journey of peace across Canada with the “On to Ottawa  Peace Caravan”. It will culminate on Parliament Hill to advocate for policies that prioritize decarbonization, demilitarization and  decolonization. Together, we will send a powerful message to our leaders and the world –  that peace is not a dream but an achievable reality. The Caravan is co-sponsored by Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and Women’s  International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).

 At this Launch and Information Event, you’ll learn about the routes of the Caravan and the stops along the way. Through activist art projects, video, and discussion, we’ll explore how the militarized economy contributes to the suffering of civilians and how art can help.

The evening will feature the short documentary DEBERT BUNKER: By Invitation Only about the 1984 Maritimes-wide women’s protest at the Nova Scotia Cold War bunker in Debert, NS.  Other presentations include NSVOW’s Projects:  “Peace Protector Uniform” and “Knot Bombs – Piecing Peace Together”, and music by singer-songwriter Sandy Greenberg, as well as information on how to join and support the Caravan.

Please help spread our peace message and join our efforts in these violent times.

 For more information or to support: visit www.nsvow.org or email nsvoiceofwomen@gmail.com. For financial contributions, please find the Join Us button under About Us on our website and click on Donate. If you wish to send a cheque, please contact us at our email address for instructions.

We will update the locations for each stop along the route in this post as they are finalized! Please continue to check for updates.